Personal Testimony

I grew up very Catholic and reluctantly kept all the requirements and sacraments of the church. I was very rebellious, foolish and immature as a teenager. With no father my mother had 6 children to keep track of so it was very easy to do things unnoticed. It was easy to join a local street gang and running from the law occurred on a regular basis. When i was reacquainted with a young lady who used to live nearby, i quickly found out she was heavily involved in Satan worship and witchcraft. i was totally surprised and amazed at her ability to read minds, see spirits, etc. I wanted to be able to do the same things and read a number of occult books on how to do it myself and fairly successful. The day came when her satanic group no longer allowed her continue to associate with me as i was still having to go to mass like it or not. She called and warned me not to tell a soul about her practices or there would be severe consequences. That's when a demonic spirit entered the kitchen where I was sitting, The temperature in the room dropped noticeably and i felt an unholy chill come over me and I knew there was an evil presence in the house. I knew now I was in serious trouble as the occult power I wanted now was turning against me. I became paranoid and deathly afraid to walk in dark places, couldn't sleep, had flash backs in my mind over and over of the Exorcist movie I had seen recently. I was terrified living in a nightmare where I couldn't go and ask for help without revealing the source of my problem. I was totally alone pretending life was fine. Finally after weeks of being terrorized by the demonic entity, I realized if I continued I would end up in an insane asylum' from going mad or die from asking for help. Either option I lose. So with one last chance I called out to God from my room and asked Him to deliver me from this evil and buried my head in a pillow shivering and waiting to die. To my amazement the demonic presence was gone! I was as if I was falling to certain death off a cliff and someone grabbed me seconds before I hit the ground. i realized it had to be God who did that for me even after all I did to Him. I immediately began confessing my occult sins and begged and begged for Him to forgive me as I renounced all these activities and asked for Him to come in my life. Then a physical force pushed me back in my bed and I couldn't get up. I felt powerful waves of a joy and peace continue to flood over me like 100s of gallons of water pouring over me that wouldn't stop. It was so powerful I thought I would explode and called out to stop. When it did I just laid there exhausted for a long time not understanding what happened to me except somehow God saved me from death and eternal damnation when I was so mean to Him and so DID NOT deserve His help. I couldn't tell anyone what happened because no one would believe this story and wasn't exactly sure what happened myself at the time. But I totally did a 180 degree change in my life. Suddenly feeling love for people I hated, stopped swearing like a sailor, went to mass 7 days a week, giggling to myself for no reason for weeks. Months later at a bible study I learned I was born again to a new life in Christ. A year later my lady friend came back to visit and I was able to lead her to Christ as well. There is much more to my story and it's hard for me to tell this without getting choked up but there's my story.